Premium Starter Kit

What a great way to start your journey towards using natural remedies for your family and pets!
Young Living has a generous starter kit that includes 12 pure essential oils that can support ALL our body systems including immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, skin, muscle, digestive, and nervous systems and help with first aid, improved health and sleep, and natural home cleaning.  Plus a diffuser and other goodies are in this kit.

Ready to order? Click here to get started! Questions? Contact me anytime

What comes in the Premium Essential Oil Starter kit?


Ready to order? Click here to get started! Questions? Contact me anytime

For information on setting up your online account and ordering from Young Living, click here: How do I order?
If you would like this awesome kit, choose “Member” rather than retail option. This also gives you wholesale status with absolutely NO requirements!

Other Kits available – Thieves Green Cleaning, Ningxia Red Nutrition, and Non Toxic Makeup!




Valerie Macri, LMT, RYT
Young Living member # 630358
Contact me anytime

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