Have your plate, and eat it too! Biodegradable hemp plate

Have your plate, and eat it too!
Biodegradable hemp plate.


I came across this funny little (and bad quality!) video today and am constantly amazed at the benefits of biodegradable Hemp. There are over 20,000 uses for Hemp including plastics, fuel, clothing, building materials, and food.

Did you know that hemp seeds are jam packed with protein, essential fatty acids (Omegas), and amino acids? They have a nutty flavor and are awesome on salads, in soups, smoothies and apparently – plates!


I am anxiously awaiting the time when we can grow Industrial Hemp in the states again. How about you?
Imagine the economic, environmental, and health benefits!

Biodegradable Hemp


www.hiphemptribe.com   CBD Hemp movement

Valerie Macri

Healing Arts Goddess and Radiant Life Coach, I inspire soulful women to rediscover their lives and achieve their dreams. Join me on a journey to radiant life and health! Be Love. We are all one world, let's be kind to each other.

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