What is Thai Massage?

What is Thai Massage?

Thai Massage is a beautiful ancient healing art. In fact it was founded 2500 years ago by Jivaka Kumar, an Ayurvedic practitioner and the Buddha’s personal physician. Originating in India the art spread. It was preserved mostly by lay people, passed down family to family mainly in Thailand, hence the name Thai Massage, or Thai Yoga Massage.
Thai Massage is gentle yet deep, meditative, blissful, relaxing, and invigorating. A mixture of assisted yoga and massage it is done fully clothed on a comfortable mat on the floor. It follows energy lines called “Sen” lines balancing your body’s energies. With the flowing movements and focused awareness you will feel connection and bliss.


Benefits of Thai Massage include:

  • Relief from stress and pain
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion
  • Increases endorphins
  • Improves circulation and lymphatic flow
  • Quiets the mind
  • Enhances the mind-body connection

What is Thai Massage?

A beautiful dance between giver and receiver. If you love Thai Massage or have never experienced it, I’d love to share this beautiful healing art with you. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be flexible or practice yoga for this but you will feel more flexible after the session! Some recent comments from clients on their first experience of Thai Massage:

what is thai massage


“That was amazing”
“Wow, I’ve never experienced anything like that”
“I can tell you love what you do, you were present with me every moment”
“Thanks Valerie for an incredible Thai massage. It was perfect! For anyone who hasn’t had a Thai massage check it out. It felt so good!”
“My spine feels completely lubricated and released”
“I’ve never had someone massage me with their feet!”



So, what is Thai massage in a nutshell? Love. Experience the bliss!
Feel free to learn more, schedule a session in the Ocala, FL area or connect with me.
Valerie Macri, LMT

Flying Horse Healing Arts

Ocala, FL


“Valerie Macri is an amazing person and incredible massage therapist!!!! Don’t miss this opportunity. If you’ve never had a Thai massage, get one. I never imagined anything could compete with deep tissue massage but Thai massage is amazing.” – M.L.




Valerie Macri

Healing Arts Goddess and Radiant Life Coach, I inspire soulful women to rediscover their lives and achieve their dreams. Join me on a journey to radiant life and health! Be Love. We are all one world, let's be kind to each other.

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